Hi! Here in Sydney, Australia, we've been in lockdown for a while, but only now I've decided to write about it. If you're bored in lockdown, you're not alone! these following ideas may just be a boredom buster for you! I've joined a rock group where you paint, hide, and…
Category: Harmony
Stuff about me
Hi! So, today I created some pinterest pins and it was super fun! I like to use Canva, which is a website that allows you to create pictures, videos, and even comics! It is also good to get traffic to your blog, which helps because you can upload it to…
So you know I'm a big sister now and her name is hope! She is so cute! So these are the following things she does π΄βΊπΌππ’π©π! Do you have any siblings?
I love hama beads, and you might be asking :what are hama beads? Well, hama beads are small, and they can come with a thing called a pegboard. They can come in different colours of course too, some people also call them perler beads, melty beads, and of course hama…
So with my blog, I will be eventually talking about hama beads. And I sell them. So how do you sell them? Simple. Ebay. I don't know if you want to, but you can go on ebay and buy some cool stuff! And it would mean a lot to me,…