Hello everyone,
Type 1 Diabetes is an auto-immune disease that means your pancreas doesn’t work as well and you need Insulin from outside your body.
Insulin is what your pancreas makes, and it makes sure your Blood Sugar Levels are not too high, which would mean you would have to go to hospital, plus makes sure you don’t go low, which can be dangerous because you could go into a coma.
Also, I wear a Libre, which is the size of a 20 cent coin, and has a cannula, so that you can use a phone to check your Blood Glucose Levels (BGLs) instead of doing fingerpricks.
If you have toast for breakfast, have wholemeal or sourdough toast instead of white bread because white bread is like eating a chocolate bar.
In the morning, your BGLs will probably be at 10 or higher, so it’s best to have insulin ten minutes before a meal, and a morning walk or exercise will help.
You could even buy protein powder for a delicious smoothie, as they help bring your levels down.
If you go low, get some glucose gummy bears in a yellow packet, and eat 1-2.
If you have any questions you can either ask in the comments here or email me!
My email address is Harmony11.raj@gmail.com
Love, Harmony