
Here in Sydney, Australia, we’ve been in lockdown for a while, but only now I’ve decided to write about it.

If you’re bored in lockdown, you’re not alone! these following ideas may just be a boredom buster for you!

  • I’ve joined a rock group where you paint, hide, and find rocks!
  • For a while I was getting S.T.E.A.M boxes. Mum got them for my sister and I in lockdown and they’re fun for everyone!
  • We’ve got a colour printer coming and we’re going to print out newsletters we’ve made for family+ friends!
  • well, if you don’t already cook, I cooked some Pasta for my parents and sister. Yum!

Well, what have you been doing in lockdown?

If you search ‘StoryJumper’, you’ll find that it’s a site for creating and reading stories! once on there, please search ‘Harmony Raj’ to find my stories!

My Gmail address is Harmony11.raj@gmail.com if you want me to send you other stories I’m writing on something else!

I love to receive comments on here, and let me know if you have any blog ideas!

Stay safe, have fun, and keep up the hand washing!

Bye for now,
